Monday, April 3, 2023

Gematria how to read

and learn

gematria is a mystical form of numerology that assigns numerical values to words and phrases in order to uncover hidden meanings. This ancient practice reaches back to Hebrew mysticism, although versions of it have been found in other cultures as well. By understanding the system that lies behind gematria, it's possible to gain greater insight into spiritual concepts and texts from the Bible.

The most significant part of gematria is assigning numerical equivalents to words. To do this, the letters of the alphabet are given particular numerical effects (usually 1–9). For example, in Hebrew gematria the letter aleph is assigned a value of '1', bet is '2' all the way down to tav is '9'. Each word then needs to be converted into a number, usually by adding together all the letters. For example, if we wanted to find out what word has a value of 21 then we could figure out that it would be 'emet' or 'truth'.

Once you understand how words are converted into numbers through gematria, you can begin exploring how different works relate and corresponding numbers gain significance with each other. Gematria fundamentally works on the belief that different numbers are linked with complex meanings and philosophical treatises based on numerology. To explore this more deeply you can begin comparing words and analysing which numbers they add up to - highlighting any interesting correlations between them.

Learning how your language works with gematria can offer great opportunities for creative exploration - working through different books or scriptures looking for hidden meanings or hidden messages in each line and verse written in it. It also helps us look at text from new perspectives since often there are many layers within one sentence we wouldn't see unless we assign numerical values from gematria and look for deeper interpretations than just on face value.

You don't have to be religious or spiritually-based at all to explore what this system has to offer us either; everyone has something fun or intriguing they can learn about themselves when it comes to numerology simply by delving deeper into understanding what this system offers them further insight into language itself as well as uncovering potential meanings behind writings and phrases .

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